Dharma Productions will revive one of their most famous projects Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, but with only one change, this one is an animation. Titled ‘Kuchi Kuchi Hota Hai’, this film will have the same lead pair of Shahrukh and Kajol dubbing for the movie. This movie will be directed by Tarun Mansukhani and will be Dharma Productions first animation. Shah Rukh and Kajol will start dubbing for it from April onwards.
The movie’s plot and storyline will be the same as the real movie, but there will be changes in the scenarios and also the music is being composed by Salim Suleiman this time.There will be three new soundtracks on this new cd. Mansukhani is planning either an August or an October release while the other Dharma Productions of the year ie My Name is Khan is also slated for a release around the same time.
There is also Rensil D’Silva’s directorial debut that will happen. So this is a big year for Dharma Productions with so many releases this is definitely some of Karan Johar’s greatest achievements.
The movie’s plot and storyline will be the same as the real movie, but there will be changes in the scenarios and also the music is being composed by Salim Suleiman this time.There will be three new soundtracks on this new cd. Mansukhani is planning either an August or an October release while the other Dharma Productions of the year ie My Name is Khan is also slated for a release around the same time.
There is also Rensil D’Silva’s directorial debut that will happen. So this is a big year for Dharma Productions with so many releases this is definitely some of Karan Johar’s greatest achievements.
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