Saif Ali Khan and Imtiaz Ali are smiling these days. After tearing their hair out to come up with a title for Saif’s home production co-starring Deepika Padukone, they have finally come up with a title that suits the film. It’s ‘Love Aaj Kal’. Our source close to Saif said, “Imtiaz and Saif couldn’t arrive at a decision as far as naming the film was concerned. So they decided to go ahead with their shooting and brainstorm about the film’s name later. Eventually they both were so hassled that Saif thought of holding a contest inviting the audience to suggest a suitable name for their film.” After the film’s shooting, Imtiaz and Saif had to eventually sit down for a brainstorming session. The source added, “The duo came up with different names. After a lot of deliberation and thought, Imtiaz decided to call the film, ‘Aaj Aur Kal’, but was still apprehensive about it. Imtiaz wanted to change the title from ‘Aaj Aur Kal’ to ‘Aaj Kal’. But Saif disagreed with him saying that he wanted a title that would instantly connect with the audience, like ‘Jab We Met’. They then decided on ‘Love Aaj Kal’.” Though Imtiaz remained unavailable for comment, a source close to the director confirmed the news and said, “Yes Imtiaz has decided to call the film ‘Love Aaj Kal’.”
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