Akshay Kumar-starrer Chandni Chowk to China has earned Rs 33 crore in the first three days of its release at the domestic box office RS.12 crore less than what the previous Akshay Kumar film, Singh is Kinng, made in its opening weekend. Co-producer Warner Brothers expects the film to earn Rs 100 crore, including ticket revenues from overseas markets, two top executives in Warner Brothers said. movie
has been produced by Warner Brothers and Ramesh Sippy. Chandni Chowk To China was reportedly made at a cost of over Rs 80 crore, including marketing expenses. The film got the widest release for a Bollywood film, releasing in over 135 screens in more than 50 markets in North America. It is released with 1,400 prints, globally. But multiplex operators said that they witnessed a dip in occupancy levels and advanced bookings by Monday. "The movie is comparable to SRK’s Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi, but cannot be compared with the success of Singh is Kinng and Ghajini at the domestic box office," said a senior executive with a leading cinema chain. National Association of Motion Picture Exhibitors president Shashank Raizada said that the producers may have earned Rs 33 crore in revenues. "There are minimum guarantees that distributors take from some cinemas. Also, the film did decent business in the past weekend, with 80-90% occupancies in most cinemas." Last year, Singh is Kinng earned an estimated Rs 45 crore on the domestic box office in the opening weekend, while Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi made an estimated Rs 60 crore in the first three days worldwide. Post-release, Chandni Chowk to China received criticism for weak storyline. The film is pegged as Bollywood’s first Kung Fu comedy and was also the first Indian film to be shot at the Great Wall of China.
has been produced by Warner Brothers and Ramesh Sippy. Chandni Chowk To China was reportedly made at a cost of over Rs 80 crore, including marketing expenses. The film got the widest release for a Bollywood film, releasing in over 135 screens in more than 50 markets in North America. It is released with 1,400 prints, globally. But multiplex operators said that they witnessed a dip in occupancy levels and advanced bookings by Monday. "The movie is comparable to SRK’s Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi, but cannot be compared with the success of Singh is Kinng and Ghajini at the domestic box office," said a senior executive with a leading cinema chain. National Association of Motion Picture Exhibitors president Shashank Raizada said that the producers may have earned Rs 33 crore in revenues. "There are minimum guarantees that distributors take from some cinemas. Also, the film did decent business in the past weekend, with 80-90% occupancies in most cinemas." Last year, Singh is Kinng earned an estimated Rs 45 crore on the domestic box office in the opening weekend, while Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi made an estimated Rs 60 crore in the first three days worldwide. Post-release, Chandni Chowk to China received criticism for weak storyline. The film is pegged as Bollywood’s first Kung Fu comedy and was also the first Indian film to be shot at the Great Wall of China.
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