Sanjay Leela Bhansali has revealed the biggest secret of his movie Delhi 6. Abhishek his protagonist has just 11 lines in the movie. Yes it’s true; Abhishek will hardly speak at all in the movie and all that he will say will be summarized in merely 10 lines. After all the blah-blah in his last movie Dostana, Delhi 6 will see Abhishek settling for only expressions as talking is not an option.
Looks like Sonam Kapoor will be doing all the talking here. The film received a standing ovation in New York where it has already released. Rakeysh Om Prakash Mehra, the director of the film revealed that “Abhishek is quiet, very quiet in the film”
His character in the film will be more like a silent observer than a commentator. The story will see Abhishek who comes back from New York to get back to his roots. “I think that connected with the audiences in New York.” Says Mehra.
Looks like Sonam Kapoor will be doing all the talking here. The film received a standing ovation in New York where it has already released. Rakeysh Om Prakash Mehra, the director of the film revealed that “Abhishek is quiet, very quiet in the film”
His character in the film will be more like a silent observer than a commentator. The story will see Abhishek who comes back from New York to get back to his roots. “I think that connected with the audiences in New York.” Says Mehra.
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